NVRON issue Got resolved- learnings

Finally after 10 months of fight between me and santosh - we resolved the issue yesterday (25th July 2020) and settle for 3.5 lakhs against 5 lakhs payable to me. in return i had to return the share certificate 

Learning from the overall dealing 

1. Cash is not the only qualification or competitive  advantage in a business and stay relevant. Because business man who are in need of cash will get attracted to you at that point of  time for partnership when there is need of cash and later when the need erodes partnership is being questioned or trust breaks. In these situation where only cash is provided for partnership - strong agreement to be in place favouring the cash provider as the cash provider does not directly get involved in the business nor know the details to safeguard his interest.

2. Never trust a story which is too good to be true. Rather lose the opportunity than regreting later - Nvron came with a proposition that was too good to be true. Know your strengths and validate why he is coming to you 

3. Deep research before putting in money and never go with others reference, since people who provide reference would not have done deep research

4. Once you have decided to attack - go head on and give him a full blow instead of showing them with preliminary steps - so that he knows your power and capability and finishes the matter fast 

5. Never get carried away wit the sweet talks and trust anyone- Sweet talks are always done to misguide you  - always give yourself deep thought before making any decision- if you have convey difficult points, convey it as others points (your superiors) so as to not to make it personal

6.  Never take it to ego - always do a cost benefit analysis between the time you are going to spend, peace you are going to lose against the money at stake and decide - remember even if you lose some bit of money, you can earn that with the time saved and losing peace of mind during the conflict will lead to making wrong decisions in other matters or inaction in other matters that lead to loss which 
