
Showing posts from February, 2022

Feb 14 2022 I didn’t sleep whole night

 Time :7 am  I’m wiring this with early in the morning being awake for the entire night worrying about my future , last 3.5 months have been mostly like this since October 5.  My previous blog post was in July 2021 and writing this after almost 7 months. I feel I’m more toned down as a personality now  October 5 2021 - client went thru org change Tammy tookover the charge as poc for us. I had a bad meeting with client (mondelez) senior decision maker - hector . Hector newly took over this positions and he is hell bent on the moving ur contract to Accenture . I was worried after the meeting as my entire business case for director was evacuate of mondelez and suddenly my future looked bleak. This also accompanied with one of my key guy Vignesh resigning . I suddenly felt lonely with future bleak in job at the same time the algo which I was trying out and very hopeful was not giving expected result as the fix was continuously down previous 3 months. Whatever little money came as trading p